Monday, December 29, 2014

Pocket trays handmade


After some days of Christmas celebrations with family and friend this weekend was quiet and on sunday I was creating some pocket trays or key trays. A pocket tray is something useful in all houses, it's used to put inside the keys, rings, mobiles and all the stuff we have in our pockets when we arrived at home and we need before to go out from it.

I have seen pocket trays made with leather but some days ago I was thinking in doing some pocket trays with fabriks. Made them it is too easy and the result is very nice ;-) and it can be an original gift for this Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas time!

These days I'm preparing my home for Christmas tima and I'm preparing also some gifts. I have no more time but I think I will be on time, there's still a week to do it ;-).

I also made a collar with some pieces of a scarf that has an original wrapper with different kind of materials and ribbons,

At Christmas all is bright, all has another color, it's a magic time of the year above all for the kids but we also enjoy seeing their faces with smiles, excietements and surprise when they see Chrismas trees, lights, gifts...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Learning and enjoying


Last week I've assisted to two courses. The first one, in my free afternoon I learnt how to create polar buffs for the neck. It was a long time that I wanted to make one and I saw this course that was perfect for it. It was a nice afternoon and the buff is for me. Soon I will begin to do buffs for others ;-). It was a nice course in a nice place and I went out of there with the buff in my neck, this week the temperatures have fallen down in Barcelona!

The second course was last Monday, day off in Barcelona and I took profit of it. The course wasn't do it yourself course, it was about technology. I've learnt how to use better HootsuitePro (a program that allows you to manage different social networks). It was a nice afternoon where I learnt a lot of things.

Learn for me is enjoy, is discover, is grow, knowledge... I've never be tired of learning new things, I thing life is learning, we learn a lot of things everyday although we think we are in a routine.

In this post I upload the buff I've created last week and some Christmas stuff that I made to decorate, I learn with them also to work with different types of fabrics.

And you, What do you like to learn?


Thursday, December 4, 2014


These days I've listened in different places how important is creativity in our daily life and in our society. Without creativity, there's no innovation, and without innovation there's no progress. If we do thinks like always there's no space for progress.

I've attended to a conference where they talk about the importance to teach creativty to the child. It's important to teach maths, science, languages, etc. but we have to teach child to be creativity. I asked to me ¿Why nobody taught me creativity?, but perhaps I am from a generation where plays where pure creativity. In my childhood there were no Internet, no gameboys, no tablets... We play with table games, toys, we imagine to be teachers, fruit sellers, etc.

Now that Christmas are coming why not to give books, table games, comics... a part from robots, electronic games... in order child can create, think and imagine as we did.

Today I went to the Tiger shop, for those who doesn't know it is the shop where you will find a a lot of nice things: some usefull and other useless and a lot of things that help us to be creatives and create and with a low cost prices. I bougth a little thing for cover buttons and with it I hope to creat some brooches ;-), I also bought some ribbons for Christmas and here I upload some pictures of what I did with them. With a few imagination the ribbons can decorate different things.